Olive Oil

Olive Oil, produced by pressing the fruit of whole olives, first originated in the Mediterranean region, approximately 6,000 years ago. Very highly desired and regarded, it was given as fine gifts. King David would call on guards 24/7 to protect his olive empire. Olive oil became a means for trade in the Roman Empire, and Homer, the poet, referred to olive oil as “liquid gold.” Today, olive oil is revered and used most popularly in cooking, for dipping and to dress salads.

The olive branch was well known as the symbol of peace in ancient times. The “extending of the olive branch” is a widely known adage. Olive oil was used to anoint kings and the very ill. Today, olive oil is used in pharmaceuticals, in beauty products, and is also used in the creation of castile soap.

Spain is the largest producer of olive oil, followed by Italy and then Greece.

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